Languages: Bamanan (Bambara), Songay (Songhay), Fulfulde (Peul), French, Russian and English
Adama Samassékou was the President of the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN). Between July 2002 and December 2003, he served as the President of the PrepCom of the Geneva phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Previously, he was Malian Minister of Education (1993-2000) and former spokesperson for the Government of Mali (1997-2000). Since 2003, he is a member of the Haut Conseil de la Francophonie. Playing an active role in community life, Mr. Samassékou is the founding President, for Mali and Africa as a whole, of the Peoples' Movement for Human Rights Education, in association with PDHRE, and since 21st October 2005, President of the International Federation of ICVolunteers. In the political sphere, he was the founding Chairman of ADEMA-France. He holds a Master of Arts in philology and linguistics from Lomonossov State University in Moscow, DEA postgraduate diploma in African linguistics from Sorbonne and a DESS specialist postgraduate diploma in organizational science from the Université de Paris-IX (Dauphine). He was Head of the Linguistic Department of the Institute of Human Sciences of Mali, then Director of the National Library of Mali and Adviser to the Minister in charge of Culture.
Languages: English, French, Gujerati, Kutchi and Kiswahili, with a notion of Urdu, Hindi and Farsi
Nazir Sunderji is serving as Financial Manager of ICVolunteers. He brings 30-plus years of international business, management, negotiating and diplomatic perspective. In the past, he served as the Director General of the Bellerive Foundation, founded and presided by the Late Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, former High Commissioner for Refugees and Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. He managed a part of His Highness’ financial portfolio. In parallel, he has served on the Board of Directors of various national and international companies as well as various non-profit organizations. Before moving to Switzerland in 1984, he assumed several significant management and accounting positions at the United States Steel Corporation. Nazir is of Indian ancestry, raised in Africa, educated in the United States and has accumulated extensive experience from a European base. He holds an Associate of Science degree from the Community College of Allegheny County, Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Relations from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Master of Business Administration from the Baldwin Wallace College.
Languages: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian
Viola Krebs founded ICV and took care of its day-to-day management of until 2015. She is now the Dean of UBIS, University of Business and International Studies. Viola has many years of experience with international project management in the field of communications and media, including in a development context (Africa, Latin America and Asia). She was a member of the Strategy Council of the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID), chaired several international conferences, and served from 2003 to 2005 on the Civil Society Bureau of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). She has worked in both the public and the private sector, including for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PWA), the World Economic Forum and Merrill Lynch. Viola Krebs is a Swiss national and holds a Ph.D. in Sciences of Information and Communications from the University of Strasbourg, as well as a Masters in Communications and Media, a Bachelor in Linguistics, Spanish and English of the University of Geneva.