Recently Created Websites with CyberVolunteers
Reference Library of Past CyberVolunteersim Events
- Global Knowledge Partnership: Volunteering in the Digital Age, Kuala Lumpur, December 2007
- A laboratory for new mechanisms..., Article by V. Krebs
- WSIS 2005: World Summit on the Information Society, Tunis Phase
- ICTs and Volunteerism: Volunteers Building and Shaping the Society of Shared Knowledge, Valencia, Spain, November 2005
- WSIS Volunteer Family Report: Phase II
- WSIS 2003: World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva Phase
- WSIS Volunteer Family Report: Phase I
- ISV2003: International. Symposium on Volunteering and the Development of Human Capacity in the Information Society, Dakar, Senegal, 2003
- ISV2001: International Symposium on Volunteering, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001
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